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My Top 5

  1. Andore

  2. Patagonia

  3. Veja

  4. We dress fair website (centralized more than 70 sustainable brands) 

  5. 1083 Jeans

These sustainable brands don’t reduce their cost of production and try to be as fair as they can with quality materials that respect the environment and good enterprise culture toward their employees and their salaries for instance. That’s why they are usually more expensive than your fast fashion favorite brand.

But fortunately, thanks to society's growing awareness and desire to consume better, with "green consumption" for example. Many brands, more accessible, are launching their collection made with recycled clothes and more respectful of the environment. I quote for example the big brands like La Redoute, Asos, Na-kd...

Hi ! My name is Ymane, I created this website to share my knowledge about ethical fashion since I am everyday trying to reduce my ecological footprint and I truly believe that being aware of better consumption is a good thing :)

Logo icon credits :

Laymik from Noun project website​


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