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What is the concept of ethical fashion ?


Also called “slow fashion”, “conscious fashion” or “sustainable fashion'', this principle appeared in the 1990s, its objective is to respond environmental and social issues in fashion. It is a philosophy of life that questions the business model of the textile industry in order to demand more respect for legislation. 

Ethical fashion gained media attention in 2013, at the initiative of the Fashion Revolution

association, after the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh. This tragic accident led to the death of around 1000 people and 2500 injured, employed by subcontractors of major fast-fashion brands. This historic event has triggered a real wave of awareness on the need to rethink the textile industry, adopting more ethical, fair and environmentally friendly values.

To conclude, the aim of ethical fashion is to respect the supply chain production and the benefits to the fashion industry and the society at large, while at the same time minimizing its impact on the environment.


Hi ! My name is Ymane, I created this website to share my knowledge about ethical fashion since I am everyday trying to reduce my ecological footprint and I truly believe that being aware of better consumption is a good thing :)

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Laymik from Noun project website​


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